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Government recognises Independent Sector's importance in 2025 NHS Mandate

Thursday 30th January 2025

We are pleased to see the commitments to the independent sector made in the elective reform plan echoed in this 2025 mandate from @Department of Health and Social Care to the NHS as they

“Empower patients with choice and control over where they receive treatment, including from the independent sector”

The Independent sector is an important part of the UK’s healthcare system and can play an vital role in helping the NHS to achieve all the mandate’s objectives: cutting waiting times, improving primary care access and urgent care, and driving efficiency and productivity.  It is vital for the government’s growth mission that every element of the healthcare system is utilised to keep the UK workforce healthy and in work.

We hope to see the inclusion of representatives from the independent health sector in the greater devolution of the healthcare system, working with Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and trusts as they evaluate the role of all healthcare providers in their area and work to give patients greater freedom, flexibility and control over their care.


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