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ISCAS Updated Code of Practice for Complaints Management

Tuesday 1st February 2022

On 1 February 2022 the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS) launched  the updated Code of Practice for Complaints Management and supporting documents including the ISCAS Patient Guide and the ISCAS Goodwill Payment Guide. The language, terminology and structure of the Code has been simplified, the steps about effective complaint management and timescales have been clarified, areas that work well have been consolidated and unnecessary repetition has been avoided.  The updated Code also includes some additional requirements for subscribers.

As a result the IDF has updated the section on complaints in the IDF Handbook and the IDF Complaint Resolution Procedure template for participating members. Members signed up to the IDF Patient Complaints Process are strongly advised to review this and update their complaints policies accordingly. 

Dr Alexandra Harkins, Responsible Officer also delivered a webinar on the updated ISCAS Code on 31st January 2022 at 18:30. This is available for members to watch on playback on the video section of the IDF website. 

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