020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Date of Event
Monday 4th November 2024



Virtually via Zoom
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IDF Lunch Webinar - Tickborne infections: not just Lyme disease (borreliosis)

Event Details

We are delighted to invite you to our Lunch Webinar with Dr Jack Lambert who will be presenting on Tickborne infections: not just Lyme disease (borreliosis).

Ticks are all over the world, and people are being infected, sometimes knowingly, sometimes without knowledge of a tickbite or a classic 'bullseye' rash. While the medical community equates tickbites with Borrelia, the bacteria of Lyme, ticks can carry many other infections.

For example there has been a recent outbreak of Crimea Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Spain, spread by ticks.There are now cases of TickBorne encephalitis in the UK, previously just found in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. In the UK and Ireland, the ticks are known to carry Borrelia, anaplasma/rickettsiae and Babesia.

Learning objectives:

  • To have a better understanding of the epidemiology of tickborne infections in the UK
  • To better understand diagnostic options
  • To describe the clinical manifestations of these infections
  • To discuss treatment options


Certificates of Attendance will be sent to those that have attended the full webinar.

A Structured Reflective Template will be sent to you along with the link to join our webinar at least 24 hours ahead. Please ensure you are registered via our website in order that you receive a link to access the webinar.

We have prepared the IDF Zoom Webinar Software 10 Step Guide if you need help joining our webinars.


Event is member only

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No charge

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