020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

President's Update 2024

Wednesday 10th January 2024

Happy new year!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are all excited to embrace the new year and all the opportunities it brings.

My priority as president is to support and advocate on behalf of our membership and advance the founding principles of the IDF. 

This is why we are initiating a campaign to contest the influence of PMIs and restrictions they place on the ability of independent doctors to freely deliver the highest standard of care to their patients. 

In this campaign, some of our aims are: 

  • For the IDF to represent the unified voice of our members and any UK independent practitioner, advocating for doctors’ and patients’ freedom.
  • To end the PMI-led discrimination in fee setting by ensuring that clinicians are free to set the appropriate fees for a high quality and safe service and PMI fees are updated in line policy prices and the retail price index.
  • To work towards the creation of independent clinical regulation for PMI contracts to end restrictions imposed by PMIs on the provision of care.
  • To establish an independent appeals process to address the threats of derecognition by PMIs for the provision of certain services by independent doctors. 

For this campaign to succeed and be maximally impactful we need your support in sharing our messages and amplifying our voice. As this year begins, we ask two things of all our members:

  • Consider sharing with us evidence of the impact of restrictive PMI contracts, derecognition or unfair fee-setting on you or your patients. These will be invaluable for evidencing the problem we face and engaging with policy makers (all contributions will be kept anonymous).
  • Contact us if you would be willing to be part of this campaign by contacting your local MP. As we move into the year of the general election, making parliamentarians aware of this issue will be vital in driving change at a policy and regulatory level.

If you are able to be involved with the above, or have any questions on the campaign, please contact the campaign leadership team at pmi@idf.co.uk

Kind regards

Dr Phil Batty
IDF President


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