020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Overview of Appraisal Service

The IDF runs an appraisal system exclusively for its members. The IDF has trained a cohort of appraisers and appraisals are carried out using the IDF’s bespoke online appraisal form. The IDF appraisal system is subject to external quality assurance and is recognised by CHKS, having been found to be ‘fully compliant’ in all areas at the last annual review.


Connected members, where the IDF is their designated body, must have their appraisals within the IDF system. Non-connected members who undertake work in the independent sector which requires them to hold a GMC licence to practise are able to make use of the IDF system should they wish to; this then supports the recommendation made by another Responsible Officer or Suitable Person or feeds into the GMC’s Annual Return Process.

There is a fee for having an IDF appraisal and details of the costs involved can be obtained by contacting the IDF Revalidation Team.


The IDF Appraisal and Revalidation systems are open exclusively to IDF members. Any member wishing to join the system should contact our Revalidation Team on 020 3696 4080, or by email at revalidation@idf.co.uk

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