020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Patient Complaints

The IDF has a Patient Complaints Procedure. Due to other complaint mechanisms available to some IDF members we are not able to handle complaints for all members under this procedure. 

The complaint process explained: Information for patients

If you would like clarification on whether a complaint can be brought against a specific member under this process, please contact a member of our team on 020 3696 4080, or email us at info@idf.co.uk and we’ll be happy to clarify for you.

The IDF Patient Complaints procedure involves a three-stage process, as follows:

Stage 1
Local resolution

The complaint is considered locally by the doctor/practice, following which a response is sent back to the patient.

Stage 2
Complaint review

If after stage 1 the patient remains dissatisfied, the complaint is considered by the IDF Complaints Manager, seeking input from both parties.

Stage 3
ISCAS independent external adjudication

If the patient is still dissatisfied (s)he can take the complainant to ISCAS for final adjudication.


If, after stages 1 and 2, a patient is still dissatisfied, (s)he may request independent adjudication of the complaint at ISCAS. At this stage, complainants are asked to sign a ‘Statement of understanding and consent’, thereby agreeing to the parameters of Stage 3.

Please click on the links below to access the relevant documents;

ISCAS Code of Practice
ISCAS Patient Guide for Making Complaints


To find out more about ISCAS, including full documentation relating to the patient complaints process, please visit the ISCAS website here.