020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk

Organisational Structure and Committees

As the UK’s leading independent doctors’ organisation, we represent our members’ interests through education, networking, appraisal, revalidation, and regulatory advice.


Executive Board

The Company Committee is responsible for all matters relating to the objects of the Federation, the business and financial strategy and overall management of the Federation resources. Its purpose is to:

  • Ensure that the business of the Federation is conducted as efficiently and effectively as possible in order to deliver its objects. 

  • Safeguard the purpose, objects, aims, values and finances of the Federation   

  • Ensure sound governance and compliance with legal requirements.   

The Company Committee has established four sub Committees to support and facilitate it in the execution of its responsibilities. The Company Committee appoints Chairs and Vice Chairs to its Committees. The Company Committees are:

  • Designated Body Oversight
  •  Finance, audit and Human Resources
  •  Governance and Risk
  •  Strategy and Membership Oversight

The current members of the Company Committee are as follows:

  • Dr Philip Batty, President
  • Ken Mackness, Managing Director
  • Darius Mayhew, Lay Member

Dr Phil Batty, Chair


The IDF Company Committee has given responsibility for certain elements of the organisation’s work to various committees. By distributing work in this way, we ensure that many individual members get to play an active role in the organisation, and are engaged and proactive in helping us to keep on moving forward.

The Company Committees Sub Committees report to the Company Committee at regular intervals as set by the Company Committee.

For further information about the makeup and work of our Committees, please click on the links to the individual committee names below:


Strategy and Membership Oversight Committee

The Strategy and Membership Oversight Committee led by the elected President, has responsibility, delegated from the Company Committee, for setting professional strategy and making decisions about professional policy for the organisation and Independent Doctors profession.

It will provide assurance to the Company Committee that the Independent Doctor's Federation is running an effective service for its members and delivering what they need.

It will also provide the “members voice” for the federations position on all subjects and provide membership guidance to the Managing Director and President in fulfilling their duties.     

  • Dr Philip Batty, President
  • Dr Susan Alexander, Education Committee Chair and President Elect
  • Edward Ungar, Corporate Member Committee Chair
  • Dr Shaima Villait, GP Committee Chair
  • Dr Laila Kaikavoosi, Regulation Committee Chair
  • Ms Illa Sharma, Treasurer
  • Mr Andy Roche, Specialist Committee Chair

Dr Philip Batty, Chair

Finance, Audit and Human Resources Committee

Download the Finance, Audit and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference (.pdf)

The current members of the Committee are as follows:

  • Illa Sharma, Committee Chair

  • Dr Philip Batty, IDF President
  • Darius Mayhew, Lay Member
  • Hesha Barker, Bookkeeper

Designated Body Quality Assurance Committee

The Designated Body Oversight Committee is responsible for setting the overall direction and ensuring the Independent Doctors Federation as a Designated Body, operates within the law and complies with the relevant regulations and expectations of its various regulators.


 It will provide assurance to the Company Committee that the IDF has effective systems of internal control in relation to discharging the responsibilities as a Designated Body.   

  • Dr Annabel Bentley, Committee Interim Chair
  • Dr Alexandra Harkins, Responsible Officer
  • Dr Martain Johnson
  • Dr Mayank Shah

Appraisal Committee

Download the Appraisal Committee Terms of Reference (.pdf)

The current members of the Committee are as follows:


Dr Alexandra Harkins, Responsible Officer and Chair

Corporate Member Committee

Download the Corporate Member Committee Terms of Reference (.pdf)

The current members of the Committee are as follows:


Edward Ungar, Chair

Education Committee

Download the Education Committee Terms of Reference (.pdf)

The current members of the Committee are as follows:


Dr Susan Alexander, Chair

GP Committee

Download the GP Committee Terms of Reference (.pdf)

The current members of the Committee are as follows:


Dr Shaima Villait, Chair

Regulation Committee

Download the Regulation Committee Terms of Reference (.pdf)

The current members of the Committee are as follows:


Dr Laila Kaikavoosi, Chair

Specialist Committee

Download the Specialist Committee Terms of Reference (.pdf)

The current members of the Committee are as follows:


Mr Andy Roche, Chair