020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk


Thursday 28th April 2022

Last night’s AGM saw Dr Neil Haughton handover the IDF presidential baton to Dr Philip Batty. Dr Haughton was thanked and praised for his excellent leadership of the IDF over the last three years, steering the organisation through unprecedented times with determination, grace and prudence. Among many other things, he achieved his aim of regaining financial stability, with the IDF being in a much stronger position now than when he became President in 2019. 

Dr Batty was welcomed into the role and gave his first presidential address in which he set out his aims for the next three years. He clearly stated his focus on diversity and inclusion and his goal to have representation from a dedicated diversity committee on the IDF Executive Board. He spoke of the need for continued constructive engagement with our many stakeholders and of how vital it is for the IDF to engage with new and younger GPs and consultants working in the independent sector for the long term sustainability and growth of the organisation. He stressed the importance of the IDF’s founding principles of supporting each other, having fun and growing together.

At the meeting the Chair of each committee gave a short presentation updating members on their committee’s progress. In addition, a special resolution was passed to agree a small wording change to the IDF Articles of Association.

New appointments were announced as follows

Mr Glyn Towlerton – Specialist Committee Chair
Mr Nicholas Morris – Education Committee Member
Dr Atul Kumar-Beurg – GP Committee Member

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