020 3696 4080 info@idf.co.uk


Tuesday 25th April 2023

Last night’s AGM saw IDF President Dr Philip Batty give a Presidential address, during which he updated members on the progress over the last year. This included his ongoing focus on the IDF becoming a more inclusive organisation, offering more social events and continuing to be a good employer. He explained the IDF has made progress in all key areas including increasing staff annual leave, pension contributions and offering private medical insurance. The IDF held diversity themed events such as the LGBTQ+ discussion with Lloyd Bowden ‘Coming out….better late than never’, and the upcoming BAME themed event on Thursday 27th April, with a talk from Sir Geoff Palmer about his experiences.

Dr Batty included in his address that there has been a turnover of staff, with Rachel Whitelegg, the Managing Director, leaving after 19 years, and the bookkeeper Catherine Farndon, leaving after 9 years. He wished Emily Stephens and Dominika Mazur well as they left for maternity leave, welcoming Olivia Reid as the Revalidation Director maternity cover, and Comfort Aladetoun as Revalidation Manager maternity cover. Dr Batty also welcomed Christina Minasova as a Revalidation Administrator. He also thanked the staff, Mercedes, Louise, Gwen & Raquel, for their incredible support through the last few months, working incredibly hard to support the members and himself, whilst operating as defacto Managing Director, as well as President,

Following the Presidential address, each committee Chair, gave a short presentation to update members on their committee's progress. After all presentations, there was the opportunity for those in attendance to network with colleagues afterwards. 

New appointments were announced as follows

Olivia Reid - Revalidation Director as maternity cover for Emily Stephens. 
Comfort Aladetoun - Revalidation Manager as maternity cover for Dominika Mazur
Christina Minasova - Revalidation Administrator
Chris Palmer - HR Advisor
Hesha Barker - Bookkeeper

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